New surfacing and fencing
It looks like this is, finally, at long last, the trail we’ve been waiting for. This spring the park people started pretty early with work that didn’t really make much impact; very important, no doubt, but it didn’t increase the usefulness of the trail, didn’t provide any new surfacing. But, then, maybe in July or so, it became clear that this was the real thing — lots of machinery, serious moving around of stone and soil and culverts, and a layer of smoothed gravel that went all the way down to Ithaca from the park. And in the last week or two we finally see the final crushed stone surface on several miles of trail and more laid every day.
Truly, it’s happening. Forty years of fussing and complaining melt away as we see what a jewel it will be for our enjoyment and use. Thank you, thank you.